Bot Commands Help
For the "social" commands to work, please connect your profile with Discord and/or Groupme.
Basic commands
Terms in brackets [] represent optional arguments.
Terms in curly braces {} represent required arguments.
- hello
- posts "Hello, World!"
- help
- posts a link to this help page
- web
- posts the link to the league website
- trades
- posts the link to the league trades
- schedule
- schedule
- standings
- posts the link to the league standings
- stats
- posts the link to the league stats
- players
- posts the link to the league players search
- injuries
- posts the link to the league injuries table
- teams
- posts the link to the league teams
- week
- posts the current year, stage, and week
- team {team}
- posts the link to the specified team
- {team} can be the team's city/state, nickname, or abbreviation
- owner {team}
- posts the owner listed on the console and on the site
- {team} can be the team's city/state, nickname, or abbreviation
- games
- posts the games for the current week
- unplayed
- posts the unplayed games for the current week
- played
- posts the played games for the current week
- tws {team} [week]
- tws stands for team week score
- posts the game specified by the team and week
- {team} can be the team's city/state, nickname, or abbreviation
- [week] is the week to look up; leave this blank to just use the current week
- ps [args]
- ps stands for player search
- posts the results of the search
- [args] can be any of the following in any order
- team city, name, or abbreviation to specify a team; multiple teams are allowed, including FA
- player name; can be first name, last name, or both;
- rookies only: can be 'r', 'rookie', or 'rookies'
- positions or position groups; multiple positions and groups are allowed;
position groups are as follows
- RB -> HB, FB
- OL -> LT, LG, C, RG, RT
- G -> LG, RG
- OT -> LT, RT
- DL -> LE, DT, RE
- DE -> LE, RE
- S -> FS, SS
- DB -> CB, FS, SS
- tblock [args]
- tblock stands for tradeblock
- posts the results of the search
- if one team is specified, the link to their block is included
- [args] are the same as the ps command
- blog [number]
- posts the link to the blog and [number] reent posts
- [number] is the number of recent posts to include. The default is 5
The following commands
are what I like to call social media commands. These all take the same argument which can either
be "me" or an @mention. These commands only work if the target user has allowed MyMadden to save
their Groupme or Discord id and has set their social media links. See the top of this page for
links on how to set that up.
- whois {'me' or @mention}
- whois me
- Sends the MyMadden username, league member status, and team of the user who sent the command
- whois me
- twitch {'me' or @mention}
- twitch me
- Sends the twitch link associated with the user who sent the command
- twitch @mention
- Sends the twitch link associated with the tagged user
- twitch me
- youtube {'me' or @mention}
- youtube me
- Sends the youtube link associated with the user who sent the command
- youtube @mention
- Sends the youtube link associated with the tagged user
- youtube me
- psn {'me' or @mention}
- psn me
- Sends the psn username associated with the user who sent the command
- psn @mention
- Sends the psn username associated with the tagged user
- psn me
- xbox {'me' or @mention}
- xbox me
- Sends the xbox live username associated with the user who sent the command
- xbox @mention
- Sends the xbox live username associated with the tagged user
- xbox me
- steam {'me' or @mention}
- steam me
- Sends the steam username and link associated with the user who sent the command
- steam @mention
- Sends the steam username and link associated with the tagged user
- steam me
- facebook {'me' or @mention}
- steam me
- Sends the facebook link associated with the user who sent the command
- facebook @mention
- Sends the facebook link associated with the tagged user
- steam me
- twitter {'me' or @mention}
- twitter me
- Sends the twitter link associated with the user who sent the command
- twitter @mention
- Sends the twitter link associated with the tagged user
- twitter me
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