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Getting Started

Renewals and Reboots

If you are renewing or rebooting, you probably want to reset the league site so the new league can be exported to it. To do so, go to admin settings for the league site and scroll down then click on "Reset League". Now you can export to the site as normal to setup the new league.

Setup Sync

You have two options. EA's Madden Companion App or the Sync settings on MyMadden. You can use one or both. Either way, I recommend doing regular exports as games get played.

Madden Companion App

  • Download the Madden Companion App on your phone and login with your EA account, being sure to select the right persona.
  • Go to Franchises and select the franchise you want to export data from.
  • On the bottom right, tap export.
  • In the export url field, put the export url for your league site. You can find it at the bottom of admin settings on your league site. It should be "https://mymadden.com/api/lg/{league-abbreviation-here}/import" just replace "{league-abbreviation-here}" with the abbreviation for your league. The league abbreviation is part of the url of your league site. "https://mymadden.com/lg/{this-is-the-abbreviation}".
  • Use the checkboxes and dropdown selectors to choose what gets exported.
  • Tap "export" and wait for it to finish. Rosters will take time even after the app says it is done.

MyMadden Sync

  • Go to your admin settings for your league site and set the console and Madden version to what you are playing. Then hit save.
  • Now, still in the admin settings, find "Sync" in the menu and go there.
  • Follow the instructions there extremely closely. The first step logs you into EA and gets a list of eligible leagues.
  • Select the league you want to exort data from.
  • Now you can use the buttons under tools->sync or the bot commands in discord or groupme to export league data to the site. Remember, rosters will take a while to update. Please be patient.

Setup Bots

More Help

You can find more help at the MyMadden help pages.

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