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Dee Delaney
Free Agent
65 OVR

Age: 29 | Number: 30 |
Height: 5'11" | Weight: 200 lbs |
Years Pro: 6 | Rookie Year: 2017 |
Drafted: Undrafted | College: Miami |
Pos Rank: 142 | Value: 44.8 |
XP: 5822 | Skill Points: 0 |
Key Attributes
2027 Season Stats
INT | TKL | FF | SCK |
Overall: 65
Confidence: 64
Speed: 89
Acceleration: 90
Agility: 84
Change of Direction: 82
Strength: 53
Jump: 79
Awareness: 64
Toughness: 82
Injury: 88
Stamina: 88
Throw Power: 14
Short Accuracy: 6
Mid Accuracy: 6
Deep Accuracy: 6
Throw on Run: 6
Throw Under Pressure: 10
Play Action: 6
Break Sack: 13
Zone Coverage: 74
Man Coverage: 68
Press: 70
Hit Power: 58
Jump: 79
Catch: 69
Play Recognition: 62
Kick Return: 45
Catch: 69
Catch in Traffic: 49
Spec Catch: 62
Short Route Running: 30
Medium Route Running: 14
Deep Route Running: 11
Release: 19
Kick Return: 45
Tackle: 50
Hit Power: 58
Pursuit: 76
Play Recognition: 62
Spin Move: 64
Juke Move: 76
Break Tackle: 55
Carry: 59
Trucking: 31
Stiff Arm: 40
Ball Carry Vision: 60
Catch: 69
Short Route Running: 30
Kick Return: 45
Beating Blocks
Block Shed: 46
Power Moves: 28
Finesse Moves: 37
Run Block: 35
Run Block Power: 35
Run Block Finesse: 35
Pass Block: 35
Pass Block Power: 35
Pass Block Finesse: 35
Impact Block: 52
Lead Block: 18
Kick Accuracy: 12
Kick Power: 14
Awareness: 64