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Name | Pos | Age | yearsPro | Signing Team | Releasing Team | Type | Cap Hit | Net Savings | Penalty | Salary | Bonus | Length | Net Saved | Release Penalty | Initial Penalty | Future Penalty | To PS | From PS | Season | Stage | Week |
Age: The age of the player at the time of the transactionyearsPro: How long the player was in the league at the time of the transactionCap Hit: Current cap hit of the contractNet Savings: Total net savings if the player is released from the contractPenalty: Total penalty if the player is released from the contract todaySalary: Total salary of the contractBonus: The bonus (guaranteed money) included in the contractLength: The length of the contractNet Saved: The total $ saved by the releasing teamRelease Penalty: The total penalty incurred by the releasing teamInitial Penalty: The penalty incurred by the releasing team the year the player was releasedFuture Penalty: The penalty incurred by the releasing team the year after the player was releasedTo PS: Whether or not the player was signed to the practice squadFrom PS: Whether or not the player was on the practice squad